воскресенье, 19 октября 2014 г.

The Truman Show

Imagine that the world around you is just an illusion, favorite things and places are the scenery, your closest are just good matched actors, perfectly fulfilling their roles. Sounds like a nightmare, doesn’t it?

Such is the life of 30 year-old insurance agent Truman Burbank, who lives in a puppet town Seeheaven. Literally from Truman’s birth a lot of cameras are constantly following him, imprinting his every single move, and the recording is broadcasted worldwide, but Truman (by the way, performed by Jim Carrey) didn’t realize that it's all a show, and he’s the main star in it.

A hint at what is going on to him gives his failed love Lauren / Sylvia. She utters the phrase: «Everything – it’s a lie, deception and full bullshit, and we're all playing our roles!».

In other words, after Shakespeare, the hero of «The Truman Show» finding in the end that the whole reality around him was really made-up, could repeat the famous phrase: «All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women, meerely players». Although bearing in mind the given fact that the series meets all the canons of a soap opera, it can be paraphrase without hesitations: «All the world’s a show, and all the men and women, meerely marionettes».

Watching this masterpiece, I began to feel a mild paranoia. The thought that you can be the second «Truman Burbank» got the wind-up!

In my opinion tough irony (uncovered cynicism of all the film crew) and a personal drama in the life of the protagonist (miserable person just wanting to know the truth) are masterfully interwoven with each other.

I’m not considered to be a big fan of Jim Carrey, but in this film for the first he shows that he is able to play profound roles, full of tragedy and doom.

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